Kybella Neck Treatment
Do you have excess fat beneath your chin, commonly referred to as a double-chin? Kybella neck treatment is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys submental fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.
During the procedure, a physician will use a needle to inject Kybella directly into the fat cells, resulting in noticeably reduced fullness under the chin. The procedure itself is quick and easy and requires no downtime. You may experience some warmth, redness, swelling, bruising or tingling over the following few days as the injectable breaks down the fat cells.
Depending on the amount of submental fat, multiple treatment sessions may be recommended to reach your optimal results. Additional treatments may be performed a month apart up and it is advised you do not exceed six total treatments. Kybella neck treatment permanently destroys fat cells, meaning that these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not typically required after you have reached your desired aesthetic goal.
Reducing the fullness in the neck with Kybella can be combined with the non-invasive body treatment, Sculpsure. If you feel you would benefit from Kybella, schedule a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate. More information can be found on the Kybella website.